Recipe of Any-night-of-the-week Pollo al mole

Chicken Mollet

Hello everyone, this is Jim, welcome to my recipe page. Today I'm going to show you how to make a special dish, the perfect pollo al mole recipe. This is one of my favorites. For me, I will make it special. It will smell and look great.

When it comes to preparing healthy meals for our families, there are always differences of opinion between positions. The good news is that healthy recipes do exist, but the healthy nature of these recipes is somewhat obscured. In these cases, ignorance should not hurt (except in the case of allergies, which are never neglected).

The same goes for meals where we often turn to your can of soup, mac and cheese or whatever rather than putting our creative efforts into preparing a quick and simple yet delicious meal. You will see many thoughts throughout this guide, and the hope is that these ideas will not only give you a head start on how to complete the R-UT meal that most of us seem to find at one point or another, but make use of it. new things about you.

The good thing is that once you learn the basics of cooking, you hardly need to move it. This usually means that you can constantly develop and expand your cooking skills. As you learn new recipes and improve your cooking skills and talent, you'll find that preparing your own meals from scratch is much more rewarding than preparing prepackaged foods you bought off the shelves at your grocery store.

Many things affect the quality of pollo al mole's taste, starting with the type of ingredients, then the choice of fresh ingredients, the ability to carve the plates, and the way it is prepared and served. Don't worry if you want to make delicious pollo al mole at home because if you know the trick, this dish can be used as an extra treat.

The number of servings to prepare pollo al mole is 6 to 8 servings. So make sure that this portion is enough to serve you and your beloved family.

To start with this recipe, we first need to prepare some ingredients. You can have pollo al mole with 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here's how to prepare it.

Let's talk about the #origin of this recipe: It is from Mexico, and the word "mol" comes from "molli", which means "salsa" in Nahuatl. The mole mixture contains many ingredients: different types of pepper, dark chocolate, spices... there are many types of mole, originating from many regions of Mexico: characteristic is the poblano mole, but also the black mole from Oaxaca, or mole. from Xico, que es el que yo he prepares. On Christmas Day there is a typical Mexican dish called Romeritos al mole. No il podido encontrar romeritos (a herb from there that is not our Mediterranean rosemary), but turkey, chicken, al mole are also good for a party... In general, pasta with mole is already bought, so the recipe is surprisingly easy. Enjoy it! #ElGordodeCookpad #RecetaNavideña #RecetadeCelebración #dominó.

Ingredients and seasonings to prepare Pollo al Mole:

  1. 3 chicken breasts
  2. 1 bottle of Mole (in this case from Xico) 17.6 oz (about 500 g)
  3. 2 red tomatoes
  4. 3 pieces of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa
  5. the water
  6. 1/4 onion
  7. 1 day ago
  8. Various spices: thyme, rosemary, bay leaf
  9. salt
  10. sesame (optional)
  11. Cilantro Hojitas (optional)

Steps to make Pollo al Mole

  1. Let's cook the Pechuga first: put it in a pan full of water, cover both, along with the onion, garlic, some herbs and salt. Cook until the pechugas are soft. Reserve pechugas por un lado y caldo colado por otro.
  2. Halve the tomatoes, remove the seeds and pits and put them in a very hot pan without oil (according to "asar" a la Mexicana). Darles una vueltas hasta que unload. Remove, leave the skin and save the pulp.
  3. Pour some chicken stock into a saucepan. Add all the mole paste and carrier, very low heat. Check the thickness of the salsa and gradually add the sauce until it reaches the consistency you want: it is preferable that it is thicker than liquid, but that the two come together, without lumps or lumps being hard.
  4. It is advisable to try the mole: take a piece of cooked chicken and dip it in the salsa; If it tastes "bronco" or hot, add some tomato paste and dark chocolate chips until it "softens". Here it's very much a matter of taste: for example, I like taupe with a little extra.
  5. NOTE: I used Valor chocolate with 70% cocoa and 0% added sugar and I got a very good result. But a chocolate from Mexico called Mayordomo is also very good. (don't use it because I didn't have it).
  6. To serve: Cover chicken pieces with salsa and garnish with sesame seeds and coriander leaves, if desired. Serve with white rice. You can cut the chest on the medal. You can also shred the chicken and mix it with the mole to make tacos. Nice try!!!

It's those small steps you take toward your goal of preparing balanced meals for your family that matter far more than any other step. Before you know it, you'll all find that you have more energy and a better sense of overall health than you ever imagined before you changed your eating habits. However, if that's not enough to cheer you up, you can find an excuse to buy new clothes when you're a size or two smaller.

So it will end with this special meal of Pollo al Mole last. Thank you for reading. I am sure you will do it at home. The following recipes will be interesting homemade dishes. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Thank you for reading. Keep cooking!

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